How our platform helps you
MINDRest assured you'll be using a platform that is duly accredited by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and is a certified eTSP provider.
Save Time
and EffortUpdate all 6 books of accounts automatically in real-time, every time you use our platform for transactions, payments and adjustments.
Compare Performance
and Get InsightsUse our platform to see side-by-side comparisons of amounts versus previous quarters to assess performance and identify monthly trends.
Keep Your Records
In OrderStore all your filing confirmations made outside our platform in one, convenient place by using our platform's centralized inbox.
Communicate Accurately
With Your TeamMake sure you send error-free tax returns to the BIR with our platform's tax return approval process, which helps you share official documents with your team.
Count On
Our SupportChat with our excellent Support Team from 8am to 9pm on weekdays and make sure your taxes are done right.
JuanTax Academy
Stay sharp! Expand your knowledge with the Academy.
JuanTax Academy is a free e-learning hub for all types of learners. Find easy to understand modules on Accounting, Taxation, and the JuanTax Platforms.

JuanTax Academy
Stay sharp! Expand your knowledge with the Academy.
JuanTax Academy is a free e-learning hub for all types of learners. Find easy to understand modules on Accounting, Taxation, and the JuanTax Platforms.
See what our clients say about us

JuanTax is one word- EFFICIENT. My favorite feature is their automated books of accounts. We use this when our clients apply for loose-leaf books instead of using their accounting softwares.
JuanTax was able to provide us an easier way to check previous taxes filed, including attachments and providing my firm direct payment of taxes without going to the bank.

JuanTax was able to improve our firms efficiency. This platform saves us a lot of time going to the bank and taxing authorities. My favorite features are the automated books of accounts and cloud-technology that’s perfect for our firm.

JuanTax will always be TVP’s only go-to tax platform- Modern problems require modern solution and JuanTax is the modern solution. As practitioners and consultants, we believe that this platform proves to be an innovative response to various tax compliance issues of our time.

JuanTax has provided our firm with a future-proof competitive advantage by giving a technology-driven solution for all our clients.